Bergen County is asking the State of New Jersey for permission to borrow $150M for a project located at 133 River St in Hackensack, N.J. on Tuesday Dec. 8, 2020.
133 River St
The New York Jets are 0-13 and looking like a sure bet to go winless, and yet they aren’t one of the worst five things in New Jersey.
The Jets are named for being a New York team. In reality, they’ve been playing in East Rutherford, New Jersey since 1984. Somehow, New York has allowed this to go on, while New Jersey continues to inhabit this disgrace.
Yet they aren’t one of the most disgraceful things going in the Garden State. No, these five are still worse than the pitiful Jets.
5. Pumping gas
Ever visit New Jersey and need to fill up the ol’ tank? Hopefully you avoided the latter by avoiding the former, but if not, you already know why this is on the list.
In New Jersey, you aren’t allowed to pump your own gas. Which sounds great, because on a cold, winter day, you get to hang out in the car while someone else has to freeze while they get you back on the road.
However, if there’s a line — and it’s New Jersey, so there is always a line — you’re stuck. Yep, you’re sitting at the pump like a dope for 10 minutes while the poor, overworked Mobil employee works their way to your car. Then, when the gas is done filling up the tank, you have to wait for the attendant to come back, hand you a receipt and take the nozzle out of the car.
Good, good times.